
A Northern Mockingbird sings in a tree.
Photo by Tracy Smith

Lots of Lifers for a Beginning Birder

June 7, 2022

by Tracy Smith, Marketing Manager Birding is serious business. I’ve barely dipped my toe into the birder pond, and I’m quickly learning, well … there’s a lot to learn! I do not have what they

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A close up photo of chocolate tube slime molds
Photo by Kelly Volz

Smart Slime

June 7, 2022

by Cassie Barnes, Digital Communications Specialist   Let's talk about slime molds, which are one of the weirdest and most astonishing lifeforms growing around our forests.   These here are called

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Pocket Prairies: Restorative Landscaping for the Earth and You!

June 1, 2022

by Carolyn Ramseur, Conservation Associate Native planting is kind of a big deal here at the Cincinnati Nature Center. We love native plants so much that we offer classes throughout the year with different instructors

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A large white oak fallen in the forest.
The majestic old oak in its final resting place. Photo by Tom Brochu

Oh the Stories It Could Tell

May 24, 2022

by Tom Brochu, Cincinnati Nature Center Volunteer, Member of the Society of American Foresters, and Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist If you have hiked on the Upland Trail at Rowe Woods, near Reservoir Pond, any

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Two fingers lay behind two tiny native plum fruits, showing them off for the camera. The sky is blue in the background and the plums are still attached to their tree.
Smaller than the European plums you’ll find in the store, the native plum is our plum.

Proud Fruit Parent

May 24, 2022

by Jason Neumann, Public Programs Manager I like fruit. Eating fruit is nice but I really like growing fruit, and, more specifically, using fruit to engage visitors. With that in mind, a few weeks ago, I had a proud

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In the foreground is the wood decking overlooking the hill. In front of it is a young lichen covered tree. The perspective of the photo looks down through an early spring forest, before the trees have their leaves. Below the lookout, runs a stream.
Photo by Jaik Faulkner

Speaking with the Trees

May 17, 2022

by Jaik Faulkner, Cincinnati Nature Center Member There is an old shagbark hickory along the Redwing Trail that overlooks a forest much younger than itself. I often stop awhile beneath its shade and share stories that

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