Pocket Prairie Kit

Plant NATIVE! with a ‘Pocket Prairie’

What: Pocket Prairie (N): A compact planting of grasses and wildflowers edged to please community lawn standards and attract wildlife.

Why: The native prairies of Ohio are biodiverse ecosystems that provide ample sources of food and habitat for many different species. From butterflies to mink and everything in-between, these wildflower rich grasslands are crucial to migratory and resident species of all kinds. By adding small pocket-sized versions to your classic green lawn, you will help expand the presence of this important ecosystem.

Prairies are quite self-sufficient. Once established, they require very little annual care and are an excellent way to create beautiful native lawns on a financial and physical budget. That means you're simultaneously creating a more productive yard and cutting down on your summer maintenance all at once!

Pocket Prairies are also a fantastic introduction to gardening and using native plants. They allow even the most beginner of gardener to create the first step towards a more visually pleasing homescape. We highly recommend surrounding your prairie with more interesting native plant arrangements, bird baths, insect houses, and more!

Pocket Prairie Kits will be restocked and available to order in 2025—Stay tuned!

Monarch on purple aster flowers.

How to Plant a Pocket Prairie 

Click here to register! Saturday, April 27, 1:30–2:30 pm 

(Rescheduled from Sunday, April 21, 1–2 pm, as noted in Newsleaf)

If you’re interested in creating your own native wildflower-filled, pollinator-friendly, pocket-sized prairie in your own yard, this class is the first step. Join us as we dive into the many ways to prepare your site and plant for success. Come prepared for open discussion and a short hike. Preregistration required. Member adult $10; nonmember adult $20 (includes daily admission). 

If you’re interested in creating your own native wildflower-filled, pollinator-friendly, pocket-sized prairie in your own yard, this class is the first step. The key to success in creating any type of native plant bed is site preparation and seed selection. Join us as we dive into the many ways to prepare your site and plant for success. Come prepared for open discussion and a short hike. 

In this class, we'll cover:  

  • What it means to have intentionally wild native plants and why it's important  

  • Discussion of native seed banks and pesky invasives   

  • How preparation is important in controlling weeds and nurturing new plants  

  • At least three different methods for removing turf grass and weeds 

  • Plant selection and sowing seeds 

  • A walk-through of previously installed pocket prairies  

Preregistration required. Member adult $10; nonmember adult $10 (includes daily admission).