
Bumblebee on bluebells

Native Plant Club

Meetings are the first Thursday of every month (except December and July), 7–8:30 pm

Click here for upcoming program dates, pricing, and full descriptions. 

Are you passionate or simply curious about native plants? If so, join us as we set the foundation for sharing knowledge, supporting one another’s efforts, and helping get more native plants into the community. Whether your interests lie in native landscaping, ecosystem restoration or keeping the wild...wild, this group is for you!

All clubs require preregistration. Members free; nonmembers $10 (includes daily admission). 

The Cincinnati Nature Center Native Plant Club empowers its members to promote appreciation, conservation, and restoration of native plants in their communities. We do this by sharing knowledge, efforts, inspiration and resources with one another toward the shared goal of more native habitat in the region.

Did you miss a meeting? Click on a date below to read the Meeting Highlights.

Thursday, November 9 – Meeting Notes

Thursday, January 7 – Meeting Notes and Presentation

Thursday, February 1 – Meeting Notes

Thursday, March 7 – Meeting Notes

Thursday, June 6 – Invasives Presentation, Toxicity Table, and Meeting Notes

Native Plant Club Walkabout

Saturday, July 13, 10–11:30 am at Rowe Woods

Join other native club members as we walk and talk invasives. Learn identification and control of some of the more common invasives found at Rowe Woods and our region.

Member adult free; nonmember adult $10 (includes daily admission).