Your native garden can play an important role in saving our local, natural beauty by stopping invasive plants from taking over our lands.
Native plants are more likely to survive and thrive once established compared to non-natives. Plus, they're easy to maintain, use less water, look gorgeous, and provide food and shelter for butterflies, bees, birds, and other wildlife!
Why Plant Native?
Why should you plant native flowers, shrubs, and trees in your yard?
• Native plants are more likely to survive and thrive.
• Once established, native plants are easy to maintain, use less water and look gorgeous.
• Native plants provide food and shelter for butterflies, bees, birds and other wildlife.
• Your yard can become a much needed natural space for urban wildlife—and a safe resting spot for migrating animals like birds and Monarch butterflies.
• Your native garden will become an important part of saving our local, natural beauty by stopping invasive plants from taking over our lands.
Native Plant Propagation Program
Our native plant propagation program is critical to our restoration efforts. The program’s primary goal is to increase the supply and selection of native plants in the horticulture industry.
In 2022, we successfully propagated 16,466 native plants. These plants not only provide us with the material we need for our own restoration, but they also supply nearly 100% of the plants in our plant sales.
Each plant starts as a seed collected on our property and is planted by dedicated staff and volunteers in our greenhouse at Rowe Woods. Once they sprout, the plants are transferred to our Long Branch restorative nursery, where they mature and await planting. At the end of 2022, 296 plant species had been added to the program.
Through a combination of educational programming and increased access to native plants, we are helping our members and visitors care for their land in an ecologically appropriate way without sacrificing function or beauty.
Click below to browse our full Native Plant Catalog and learn about the species we propagate throughout the year at the Nature Center.
Upcoming Plant Native Programs
Browse our upcoming programs on native plants and foraging, from what we're doing here to what you can do in your own space!
Native Plant Club
Meetings take place the first Thursday of every month (except December and July), 7–8:30 pm.
Are you passionate or simply curious about native plants? If so, join us as we set the foundation for sharing knowledge, supporting one another’s efforts, and helping get more native plants into the community. Whether your interests lie in native landscaping, ecosystem restoration, or keeping the wild... wild, this group is for you! Member adult free; nonmember adult $12 (includes daily admission).
For more information, contact Jake Sberna at
Click below for program dates, pricing, and full descriptions. All clubs require preregistration.
Plant NATIVE! with a 'Pocket Prairie'
What: Pocket Prairie (N): A compact planting of grasses and wildflowers edged to please community lawn standards and attract wildlife.
Why: The native prairies of Ohio are biodiverse ecosystems that provide ample sources of food and habitat for many different species. From butterflies to mink and everything in-between, these wildflower rich grasslands are crucial to migratory and resident species of all kinds. By adding small pocket-sized versions to your classic green lawn, you will help expand the presence of this important ecosystem.
Prairies are quite self-sufficient. Once established, they require very little annual care and are an excellent way to create beautiful native lawns on a financial and physical budget. That means you're simultaneously creating a more productive yard and cutting down on your summer maintenance all at once!
Pocket Prairies are also a fantastic introduction to gardening and using native plants. They allow even the most beginner of gardener to create the first step towards a more visually pleasing homescape. We highly recommend surrounding your prairie with more interesting native plant arrangements, bird baths, insect houses, and more!
Pocket Prairie Kits will be restocked and available to order in 2025—Stay tuned!
Helpful Resources
Recommended Resources provided by Native Plant Club Leadership
Gardening/Plant Conservation
• Click here for information on native plants for birds
• American Horticultural Society
• Center for Plant Conservation
• The Ohio PawPaw Growers Association
• The Nature Conservancy's Nature Lab
• Keystone Native Plants - Eastern Temperate Forests (Ecoregion 8)
For Homeowners
• National Wildlife Federation
• Native Plants in Backyard Gardens
• Home Habitat Enhancement Resource List
• Wild One's Homeowner Assistance
For Farmers
Contact Native Plant Propagation Program Manager Jake Sberna at or call 513-831-1711, ext. 304.