Plant a School Garden
Since 2019, Cincinnati Nature Center has been working with local schools to create outdoor greenspaces for learning. While our field trip programs aim to bring students into wild outdoor spaces, our objective with the school garden program is to "bring nature to the students."
Our Schoolyard Native Plant Program adds native pollinator gardens to schoolyards. The goal of this program is to create “wild” outdoor learning spaces while increasing schoolyard biodiversity. Staff work side-by-side with teachers and students throughout Greater Cincinnati to plant and tend to the gardens.
Our sixth graders loved planting the school garden with Nature Center staff. We can’t wait to see all of the pollinators this spring and create learning experiences in this outdoor classroom.
—Kendre Perry, Seipelt Elementary School teacher
Discounts on plants are available if a school would like to purchase plants and install on their own, or we can work with you through the entire design and installation process.

For More Information
If you have a team of teachers, a supportive administrator, and a willingness to get creative, reach out to Melissa Sabo at to discuss options for your school.