Join a Club
We have engaging clubs at the Nature Center to appeal to a variety of interests!
All club programs require preregistration.
Astronomy Club
Join Naturalist Sheila Riley and meet with other members interested in astronomy. Astronomy Club is available to all Nature Center members ages 12 and up. Member adult free; nonmember adult $10 (includes daily admission).
For more information, contact Sheila via email at
Click below for program dates, pricing, and full descriptions. All clubs require preregistration.
Boomers and Beyond
Gatherings take place May 2 through October 31 on Thursdays, 9:30-11 am.
Were you born in 1964 or earlier? Do you enjoy walking in the woods and connecting with other nature-loving people? The club will take a short hike followed by a lively social gathering. It’s the perfect place to find friendship, fun, and the great outdoors. Meet in the Rowe Visitor Center lobby. Member adult free; nonmember adult $10 (includes daily admission).
Click below for program dates, pricing, and full descriptions. All clubs require preregistration.
Camera Club
Cincinnati Nature Center’s Camera Club is designed for both amateur and professional photographers. We meet primarily on the third Wednesday of the month to learn and share knowledge about a focused theme or topic. The club also organizes local photo field trips to apply our skills. Camera Club is open to all Nature Center members ages 16 and up. Member adult free; nonmember adult $10 (includes daily admission).
For more information, contact Doug Kinslow at
Click below for program dates, pricing, and full descriptions. All clubs require preregistration.
Edible Plants & Foraging Group
This group gathers together to learn about the botany, lore, and culinary uses of local edible plants. Group members may participate in foraging forays, educational hikes, and cooking events, and will have an opportunity to give back to the land and the Nature Center by helping to enhance native edible plantings. Gatherings happen as opportunities arise.
To join our email notification list, fill out the form below. We will contact you periodically by email to let you know about special program offerings for this group.
For more information, contact Public Programs Manager Jason Neumann at
Native Plant Club
Meetings take place the first Thursday of every month (except December and July), 7–8:30 pm.
Are you passionate or simply curious about native plants? If so, join us as we set the foundation for sharing knowledge, supporting one another’s efforts, and helping get more native plants into the community. Whether your interests lie in native landscaping, ecosystem restoration, or keeping the wild... wild, this group is for you! Member adult free; nonmember adult $12 (includes daily admission).
For more information, contact Jake Sberna at
Click below for program dates, pricing, and full descriptions. All clubs require preregistration.
Project FeederWatch
Gatherings take place Thursdays and Fridays beginning November 14 until April 4, 9:30-11 am (except Thanksgiving)
Orientation takes place on Friday, November 8, 10–11 am.
Stay warm inside while helping collect citizen science data to submit to Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology. Bird watching and learning has never been so much fun. No experience necessary; just come when you can make it. Member adult free; nonmember adult $10 (includes daily admission).
Click below for program dates, pricing, and full descriptions. All clubs require preregistration.
Tri-State Hiking Club
Hikes take place on Saturdays, 9–11 am and Tuesdays, 9:30–11:30 am
Stay fit and have fun with these conditioning hikes. These hikes are for those who desire 6 to 7 miles of brisk-paced hiking with hills, steps, and streams. We will hike in groups of 10 or fewer with varying speeds. Our goal is to keep moving and provide everyone with a good workout. Participants should be stretched and ready to go. Member adult free; nonmember adult $10 (includes daily admission).
You must RSVP for this hike through, and we ask that you update your RSVP if your plans change. We may have to cancel this hike due to weather, so always be sure to check your email before you head out.

Please contact our Registrar at (513) 831-1711, ext. 129 or email