
A photo of a forest trail in summer, the trees shade the trail, but there is a bright burst of sunshine illuminating part of the trail

Beauty and Sustenance

April 21, 2022

by Olivia Bautch, Environmental Interpretation Intern Maybe it’s just me, but we’re an anxious generation. And you're probably used to getting the message from us: “spend more time in nature, its good for your

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A child holds a A rock with the traces of ancient marine life fossilized within it
A rock with the traces of ancient marine life fossilized within it

Why Cincinnati Rocks?

March 21, 2022

by Bob Buring, Naturalist Our wonderful town is famous both nationally and worldwide for a multitude of reasons. Most people do not realize our rocks also put us on the map. Why? Under our feet, past a little soil,

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And adult spotted lanternfly with its wings spread out
An adult spotted lanternfly

Spotting a Disaster Before It Hops into Our Backyards

March 4, 2022

by Carolyn Ramseur, Conservation Apprentice What do you know of the Spotted Lanternfly (aka Lucorma delicatula or SLF for short)? If you follow any regular invasive species blogs or environmental news, you may have

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Close up of Burning Bush leaves
Close up of Burning Bush leaves

Is It Really an Escape Artist if We Gave It the Key?

March 3, 2022

by Danie Frevola, Research Ecologist Many of us are aware of the benefits native landscapes have for the environment. Native plants provide healthy food for wildlife, support a holistic system, and create a natural

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Tree of Heaven Leaves
Tree of Heaven Leaves

The Ailment of Alianthus...

March 2, 2022

by Carolyn Ramseur, Conservation Apprentice … Alianthus altissima that is. Commonly referred to as Tree of Heaven, this persistent species is anything but heavenly for our native landscapes. Tree of Heaven’s

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Image of Bradford pear blooms against a blue sky

The Sweet Smell of Spring and Fish

March 1, 2022

by Danie Frevola, Research Ecologist A question I ask myself each and every spring (besides “What day is Mother’s Day this year?”) is “Why would someone want a pear tree that doesn’t actually make pears and

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