
Bird in tree

At Home with Nature: Birdwatching (All Ages)

March 26, 2020

Birdwatching is like a scavenger hunt. You’ll view your backyard or favorite nature spot in a whole new way! You’ll need: A view outside. Optional extras: Binoculars, a field guide (book or app), and birding log

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young boy pretend cooking with mud

At Home with Nature: Mud Kitchen (Ages 2-5)

You’ll need: Old kitchen utensils, a pile of soil, and a bin of water.   Optional extras: Paper and markers to make your own menu. Mix the water and soil together, either in the bin or on the ground, and let your

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supplies to make nature weave

At Home with Nature: Nature Weaving (Ages 5-12)

You’ll need: Cardboard, scissors, tape, and yarn. Children may need help making their loom. Optional extras: Markers to decorate the

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Sierra is Scared of Snakes
Sierra & a snake

Sierra is Scared of Snakes

October 2, 2018

When we mention snakes could be around during programs at the Nature Center, a lot of people seem to cringe or have a little internal freak-out. This isn’t just the case here, but everywhere I go it seems somebody

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Backpacking Basics

Backpacking Basics

July 18, 2017

By Tess Mulrey, Cincinnati Nature Center Naturalist  For me, one of the best ways to wake up is in the middle of the woods – awoken by the sun’s steady rise, the birds letting each other know they made

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Interpreting Our Internship Experience

Interpreting Our Internship Experience

May 9, 2017

Each year, five interns and one senior intern (the Education Fellow) join the Education Team for nine months to learn about and participate in educational and public programming at Cincinnati Nature Center. Our goal is

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