
Red Cedar with gnome in it

Wild Aesthetics

December 6, 2022

by Cory Christopher, Director of Conservation Do you know what “portmanteau” means? Literally, it’s a fancy word for suitcase, but conceptually, it’s a word made up of two other words. Anyway, a

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Image of Sheila Doran and her husband

A Solar Experience

December 1, 2022

A story by Sheila Doran. This article is also featured in the December 2022 edition of The Ripple. In the fall of 2012, my brother had solar panels installed on his home in central Ohio. After hearing of his

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Holly with red berries

Plants of Holidays Past

November 29, 2022

A story by Bebe Raupe. This article is also featured in the November 30, 2022 edition of Now in Nature. What would the holiday season be without evergreens, holly, and mistletoe? These season-defining decorations

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Anne as a young girl, playing in the creek at Cincinnati Nature Center.

My Happy Place

November 7, 2022

By Cincinnati Nature Center member, Anne Bryant My first visits to Cincinnati Nature Center were back in the late '70s and early '80s when my mom volunteered there and brought my brother and me along. I remember

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Earth from space with light flare to left side.

The Goldilocks Zone

November 7, 2022

By Bob Buring, Naturalist and Nature Ranger Whether you are a science fiction fan or not, you can probably imagine a very large vessel on a multi-year journey to another solar system.  Given the hostile nature of

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Photo of Ted Bergh against red autumn foliage.

Meet A Policy Advocate

October 31, 2022

A story on action-taker and policy advocate, Ted Bergh, by Connie O'Connor. This article is featured in the November 2022 edition of The Ripple. Ted Bergh has been enjoying CNC’s trails and programs over the

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