
Image of Krippendorf Lodge surrounded by lush foliage.

Nose Prints on the Glass

October 11, 2022

By Jason Neumann I’d like to say that it was nose prints on a specific leaded glass door at Krippendorf Lodge that inspired our Heritage Walks. Visitors, wanting to see what’s inside the neat old Krippendorf

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Banner image of various tree starting projects.

A Bucket and a Seed: Meet the Tree Lady!

October 4, 2022

A story by Barbara Moss on action-taker, Cindy Kessler. This article is featured in the October 2022 edition of The Ripple. It was one of those gray late-winter mornings when I hurried into my local coffee

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Close up of tree rings

What are Tree Cookies?

September 12, 2022

By Bob Buring, Naturalist and Nature Ranger What do a violin, a British scientist, and a cookie have in common? Quite a lot if you were trying to authenticate the masterpiece violin handcrafted by Antonio Stradivari

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Field of goldenrod

Bumps and Bunches: Goldenrod Galls

September 5, 2022

By Judy Mouch One of summer’s final colorful swan songs comes from fields of goldenrods (Solidago spp.). Hay fever sufferers, have no fear! Contrary to popular opinion, goldenrods will not stir up your allergies.

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Jumping spider on a leaf with a green background

The Cute Factor

August 29, 2022

by Cory Christopher, Director of Conservation I have an uncle who is the hairiest human I’ve ever seen. He’s the meanest and tiniest person in our family, and his eyes are lost beneath a hairy thicket of

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Monarch butterfly sits atop a field thistle bloom.

Spotlight on Native Plants: Field Thistle

August 22, 2022

by Jason Neumann, Public Programs Manager Who would intentionally plant thistles in their garden? If you overlook its spikiness, field thistle has a lot to offer. Field thistle, Cirsium discolor, is one

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